Being hyper-opinionated often leaves me open to attack by those that feel I'm too quick to generalize or stereotype. Well, I'm sorry that you don't like the fact that old people are bad drivers, young woman are psychotic, guys are pigs, and all politicians are drunken sex hounds with the scruples of Charles Mason.
I simply observe the world around me and comment on what I see. The world is too complex a place to not categorize. Sure there are exception to every rule. But for every exception there are a hundred thousand examples of typical-ness.
Let's take Chytoria Graham as an example. It wasn't long ago that I was extolling the "virtues" of clueless parents who were stuffing their kids in car trunks. Well Chytoria here has raised the bar. This sick bitch used her own flesh and blood as a device to inflict physical harm on her "boyfriend".
Indulge me while I play profiler for a minute.
Chytoria Graham, raised (or born into) in a broken home where mom couldn't come up with a 6th girl name so she played Name that Baby with the Scrabble game. Chytoria, ended up on the streets for a few years in her early teens but was able to get herself "straightened out" with a night job at McDonalds, a place to stay with Bubba, and a muffin in the oven.
Chytoria has had more boyfriends than jobs, and she's very thankful that only four of them knocked her up (five times). Drugs are most likely involved and she probably weights under 100 pounds. Welfare has been much easier than making fries, and the addition of baby number five means a sweet little increase in the monthly check. She's a middle rung in the ladder of domestic violence, and this isn't the first time she's abused her children. Seen more as a burden, despite the monthly check, she dehumanizes them and the Circle of Losers begins all over again.
Some reading this might be disgusted by my profiling. To you I say, "wake up." THIS is life in America in the 21st century. Others might say that it's easy for me to be critical, I haven't lived that kind of life. To you I say STFU. There is nothing, in this universe, that could happen to me that would make me pick up a child (let alone my own) and wield it like Conan the F'ing Barbarian wields his enormous sword. The lack of respect for human life disgusts me. But Uncle Jimbo, you're not respecting Chytoria. I respect all people's right to breath, right up until they do something that proves they don't share this same basic moral code. Then all bets are off. In fact, Erie, PA isn't that far away from Uncle Jimbo. I should pay Miss Graham a visit. I'll pick her up, take her down to the local park and hit some batting practice using her as my bat.
This behavior will NOT stop until we take a serious look at the entitlement programs in America and fix them so that they encourage fewer children, provide work for welfare programs, and generally make it simplier to break the cycle. People are lazy, selfish pricks. If they can get free money they'll do it, if they can't they'll probably just steal something. But we should do everything in our power to give them that choice.