Where was Uncle Jimbo?
I know many of you were wondering, what happened to Uncle Jimbo? It's quite simple actually. I was traveling the world in search of truth, American Justice, and the secret ingredient to KFC. (You know, the ingredient that makes you crave the stuff once a year despite the fact that you've puked the last five times you've eaten it.)
Don't believe me? Good, I wouldn't either. Fact is, while I've had comments on a bunch of different things the following issues got in the way:
A) My life
B) Specifically, my family
C) My job (yeah I know, "what the hell?")
D) A lack of sarcastic response
Little did I know that I was being impacted by something that afflicts nearly 290 million Americans. Diminished Sarcastic Response Syndrome or DSRS. Nearly all of you have it, and you don't even realize it. I thought I was fine, but guess what? I was right. LOL.
What did you think I was about to break into some infomercial for some drug called Blowmax that would increase my sarcastic response? Please. You either have it or you don't. And Uncle Jimbo's still got it. I also think my three year old has it.
We were sitting on the couch the other day talking and he asked me a question about something. So in typical fashion I expounded on the subject in an adult-like, but understandable-to-a-three-year-old way. When I was done he said, "Thanks for explaining that Dad." He's three, with a good sense of humor. I paused. Matter of fact tone? Check. Contextual understanding? Check. Open for interpretation? Check. I had to admit to myself, I may have just been smacked with my sons first sarcasm. Then again, he's a polite boy. He may have been sincere. Either way it was a very proud moment. Polite sarcasm.....