100 Page Views; Who would have thunk it!
When I started this whole thing I figured I would get a couple of laughs (because, like Dennis Miller, I believe it's a lot of fun to laugh at your own material) and have a little fun posting the thoughts that ramble around in my head. Next thing you know, I have over 100 page views. Now mind you, some of those are me verifying the site after a post, and some of them are probably Col. Mustard who accidentally selected the bookmark for Sarcasm Inc instead of his intended left-handed web site of the week, but still, people are actually reading this silly thing.
Hello...McFly? Most of you know who's writing this stuff and yet you still come to read it. This must be what Lucas feels like most of the time. Well, if you keep reading I'll keep writing.
And, fathers, welcome back to reality. Hope you had a great day and that you were able to celebrate it with the children you know you have. I've been working with Hallmark to create Who's My Father's Day (sponsored by the NBA) where "father-less" children everywhere can have their own special day to pester their mothers about who their father is, and why they're 6 feet tall in the 5th grade. Since most of these kid's birthdays are in the off-season, Hallmark is thinking that a corporate sponsorship of All-Star weekend would bring a nice balance to the children's lives and would work nicely as a lead in for this new holiday.
Having kids you don't know about is Fantastic.
hey, where do you see how many hits you get??
Brings new meaning to the phrase, "take responsibility for your actions."
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