Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Pet Peeve #34: Toilet Paper Abusers

To Whom it Does Concern:

Without getting too graphic, there are those of you out there that are habitual toilet paper abusers. You know who you are. You grab the end of the roll and spin it like you're the final contestant on the Price Is Right spinning the big wheel in hopes of winning some lame dining room set. Then you do this repeatedly like Barry Bonds going yard in the home run derby at the 2004 "Juicers" convention.


A. You have a neurosis regarding the cleanliness of your posterior,
B. You have a medical condition, such as IBS, causing undo stress on your trips to the bathroom

Regardless of the reason please, seek help and respect the toilet paper.


Donkey Punch said...

I take issue with your heartless attitude towards those of us that have tissue issues.

ah crap, didn't even try that one.
Nevermind, my credibility is out the window now.

Colonel Dutch Mustard said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Uncle Jimbo said...

It was unfortunate that a comment had to be removed, but the rambling, somewhat confused writings of Col. Dutch Mustard were a bit too...um...Dutch Mustardish.

Clean it up you dirty old man.

--Uncle Jimbo

Donkey Punch said...

Wow, didn't even get to read the Col's stuff. Mayhap's I'll just ask him about it...