Come On, What's It Take to Kill a Retard!
As if it's not bad enough that stupid people are saved from certain death every day by the quasi-miracles of modern medicine, completely unnecessary signage, and of course technology, now we have our government preventing the thinning of the gene pool because a convicted murderer couldn't figure out which 'one of these is not like the other.'
Our country isn't going to be destroyed by civil war, terrorists, or the next SARS. It won't be the Chinese war machine, the Japanese economic machine, or the outsourcing of citizenship to India. Our country will fail because in about 75 years the average IQ in the US is going to make Forrest Gump look like Stephen Hawking.
There are only two ways to handle this.
- As I've stated before, mandatory sterilization of the mentally deficient is a "must have" platform policy for any future political candidate. If they're not willing to start the injections by 2010, I'm not voting for them. And for the love of God, can we start getting some control over the reproductive activities of the people that live off the tax payers. If you are on welfare and you already have six kids (well you're claiming six anyway), you should have you reproductive organs remove. Especially if you can't positively identify the fathers for all of them.
- Those of us that recognize this problem for what it is need to start making babies. Lots of babies. This appears to the practical, educated individual as a bad way to solve the problem but hear me out. General common sense is that there is a global population problem and that the days of 3-4 children per couple is a thing of the past. Having two children, in essence to replace you and your spouse, seems to be the best approach. In a closed system that would probably work. But in a world suffering from the effects of retard theory (a derivative of chaos theory where entropy is measured by the application of common sense and logic) I just don't see it working. The time has come for us to begin our come back or we're going to be as extinct as the dodo.
Vote YES for mandatory sterilization and make babies. Let me know if you thought War of the Worlds was a wild ride filled with stunning effects, wonderfully compelling characters, and a hint of dramatic irony. I've got special instructions for you.
War of the Worlds SUCKED HUGE!! Just makes one wonder how Tom ended up on the top 100 list of the Discovery Channel.
My guess is that his dyslexia got him on the list with an ADA exemption. Either that or he blew someone.
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