Media of the Week
I mean, other than the potential of leaving a floater for someone else to mistake for a water-logged candy bar, I couldn't agree more. Nashua Telegraph
The French would just let this one die if Armstrong drove a tank and spoke German. But no they have to get all pissed off over a bicycle race. Interestingly, the average Frenchman might want to try steroids. I hear a cocktail of 'roids and stem cells has been shown to create spines in lab animals.
Hey Jean-Marie did anyone ever tell you that you have two girls names.
And finally, from a movie that doesn't suck.
Way too funny - in an excerpt in the article about Lance Armstrong being accused of the chairmans name:
"It will be very interesting to see what UCI does and what the U.S. Cycling Federation does and what Lance Armstrong has to say," WADA chairman Dick Pound said.
"Separately, the lab said it could not confirm that the positive results were Armstrong’s. It noted that the samples were anonymous, bearing only a six-digit number to identify the rider, and could not be matched with the name of any one cyclist.
However, L’Equipe said it was able to make the match."
Yeah, L'Equipe------BLOW ME!!! Remind us to pull your fucking underwear up in this century too ok? Snot rag journalism. So an American can't dominate an originally founded French event huh? Got to cast doubt and smear it huh? What about all the other samples that tested "so-called" positive. Gee wiz, if everyone is taking it I gues it's an even playing field again...
Dick Pound, .. nice.
Perhaps Lance should come back and win this again for spite
What happened to the French? They used to kick ass every once in a while and now all they have left is their whine and cheese. I guess being ranked #23 on the World Wide Superpower Poll will do that to you.
Hurray for the Texas sized ass whupping Lance has applied to the French pedalmonkeys over the last 7 years.
Even after having cancer of the balls he's better than you.
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