I Think I Threw Up a Little In My Mouth
No, not Dodgeball. There isn't much that can actually turn my stomach but this story did. Apparently trips in car trunks wasn't enough.
Children Found In Cages.
The views expressed in this Blog are my own and do not represent those of my wife, children, friends, or anyone else I might refer to in my efforts to get a laugh or make a point. If you're not offended by something I say I'm not doing my job.
Any hate mail you want to send me can be sent to michael.moore@doublefootlongswithchili.org.
No, not Dodgeball. There isn't much that can actually turn my stomach but this story did. Apparently trips in car trunks wasn't enough.
Children Found In Cages.
I love the way the media throws in the fact that they didn't have pillows or bedding. As if pillows and bedding would make it ok for them to lock their children in a 3ft by 3ft cell. I wonder if the parents maybe got the idea while visiting prison?
The Lumpy
As a plug for your "Poker arguing" I would have to say that the "upping ante" of the fact that they were stuffing the disabled kids into the crates "for their own and others protection" was a move that took some stones. Shove their asses in a freakin' crate. Any judge worth a crap would do it. And they got money for the privalege of being a parent? This goes straight to my feeling that parenting is a privalege and not a right. It should be licenced, and regulated. Not just any butt-reaming asshole should be able to be a parent.
Since when did being a parent become a profit center?
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