Thursday, October 13, 2005

1000 People? Are You Kidding Me?

It's official. I've had 1000 people visit this site. I've been using BlogPatrol to monitor site usage and here are some interesting stats:

  • is #956 on the BlogPatrol Top 1000 List
  • the site averages about three new visitors a day
  • most visitors are using Windows XP and Firefox (interesting...)
  • I've even had a few people using Macs (apparently I haven't commented on my feelings about Apple yet)
  • and one lonely grease guzzler from (damn that fool is such as egotist)

Well, apparently you people don't have anything to do, which is sad. Why don't you go read a book, do some work, or find a woman.

Or better yet, go get me my fries!


Anonymous said...

I see it another way. I think there are a 1000 people studying you on how you use your time. :) We are in the era of Internet Anthropology and you are leaving your mark.

Colonel Dutch Mustard said...

Yea, we normally pre-pend that kind of mark with the word "skid".