Monday, October 24, 2005

This Week in DVD

My wife and I watched Exorcist: The Beginning this weekend. If only I'd listened to them and watched just the beginning. I could have avoided an hour (or more) of convoluted plot twists, bad acting, and a complete lack of scariness.

Everything that was right about the original was wrong with this movie. And since I choose to not relive this atrocity again, I simply give this movie the double thumbs down. If you've wondered whether this movie is any good you've already wasted too much time on it.

Only way this movie could have gotten worse is if Ben Affleck had played the lead character. Which leads me to the question of the week.

Who is the worst big budget actor/actress working today?


Donkey Punch said...

Tom Cruise

What ever movie he is in, it's just Tom in a movie. The only time he stretch even the slightest was "Interview with the Vampire".

Anonymous said...

Ditto on Tom Cruise.
Add Kevin Costner to the list.

Donkey Punch said...

Oh yes, the English accent didn't last in that Robin Hood hack job he did. If he would have taken himself out, it would have been a good movie. All the others did a fine job.

Desperate Househusband said...

Keanu Reaves is the worst of all time. Unless he is playing a burned-out, stoned bong head,.. or in other words playing himself.