Oh, and Santa...
Make sure you give these guys something special this year....
The views expressed in this Blog are my own and do not represent those of my wife, children, friends, or anyone else I might refer to in my efforts to get a laugh or make a point. If you're not offended by something I say I'm not doing my job.
Any hate mail you want to send me can be sent to michael.moore@doublefootlongswithchili.org.
My new heros. TAKE BACK THE NIGHT!!!!!!
stabbed with a cheese knife? Hit in the head with a snow shovel? This sounds like the 3 Stooges. How in the hell do you lose a fight when you have a gun and the other guy has a cheese knife? First of all the fighting ability of any person who has a chesse knife handy must be in question. Second, did anyone notice the OTHER GUY HAD A GUN!!!
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