Look! A Frenchman That Doesn't Suck.
Call me crazy but changes are afoot in the land of Brie and feminine armpit hair. Nicolas Sarkozy is not your normal cheese-eating surrender monkey. He's not afraid to tell the Viagra-gorged socialists that the French economy and the country as a whole is on the slippery slope to extinction. Plus, he's actually willing to go on record with appreciation and thanks to America for it's role in the liberation of France in WW II. Holy crap, where did this Frenchy come from?
This guy has decided that France is going to sink or swim with the US. "You mean if we needed to fly over your airspace for a military operation you might let us?" Wow, what a novel concept for a NATO ally. Do you know how I know he's serious about mending the fences between our too countries? He had dinner with Bush, and didn't vomit (that we know of). What other self-respecting Frenchman, or American for that matter, could sit down to dinner with that witless twit, suffer through a formal six course dinner, and not lose control of at least one bodily function. Not many. Sarkozy, you've got my respect.
"But Uncle Jimbo, couldn't it just be lip service?"
Excellent point, it could be. And I wouldn't put it past a Fenchman to stroke the American Ego like a $5 whore before pile-driving some ass-hatted socialist agenda on us. But I don't think so...not this time. I think this guy gets it. He understands the French immigration issue. He understands that America, not the EU, is going to save the free world from fundamentalist Islam. He understands that the world economy balances on the head of a pin and that a strong US economy is the only way to keep it from falling into the abyss. Thank God he gets it, if only the four-day weekenders known as Congress got it. Interestingly, he reminds me a lot of Giuliani.
But the most interesting thing of all. This guy actually got elected as the President of France. That mean that a large percentage of the voters picked him even though they knew he has man-love for America. And that my friends, tells you just how bad it is over there in France. And if we're not careful, we're next. And no amounts of alcohol, Dancing with the Stars, and NASCAR will be able to distract the average American.
1 comment:
My Dear Boy Uncle Jimbo...this COlonel is not a stranger to hope, I knew hope, I served with hope...I was "with" a $5 lady whose name was Hope...i hope you are right...but there is a long way to go before I share this hope. I will glady share my $5 lady named Hope though...for $10, though, after all, this IS America!
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