Wednesday, July 13, 2005

So I have this friend....

that thinks it's necessary to send me marked up copies of all my blogs so that I can correct the typos, spelling errors, and grammatical mistakes. At first I thought that's very nice of him; he's a good friend. Realizing that I do fat finger things or change the structure of a sentence without catching a change in tense I updated my posts based on his feedback. At that point I started proof reading my posts more diligently in an attempt to reduce these types of errors, and I think I've been more successful than not. But then I find out that he does this because it really bugs him to read something with mistakes.

This reminds me of a personal strategy I almost implemented a year or so ago. I was going to buy a bunch of hands-free head sets for cell phones and start giving them out to all the idiots who continue to talk on their phones, and break the law, while driving. You'd think that people important enough that they have to be available even when they're running to the store would have jobs producing enough income to purchase a $10 headset. I mean seriously, you must be really, really important. Talking someone through open-heart surgery from your Beamer must be very difficult work. I'll never know because I can actually go through a whole day without talking to someone on the phone. In fact, gasp, I don't even own a cell phone.

I gave up the idea because it would have showed that I cared a little, which I don't. More importantly I would have had to spend money on stupid people which goes against several of my personal ethics rules (unless of course the money would go towards a vasectomy or tubal sterilization).

My point is it turns out I don't care if there are a couple of typos in my blogs. If I get my point across that's all that matters. Ultimately, if these few typos bug the crap out of my friend, they're all worth it.

Thanks my friend. All future typos are just for you.


Donkey Punch said...

I can feel the love.

Uncle Jimbo said...

Exactly the type of response I was looking for.

HaD I KnOw ThAt ProPEr uSE of THe SHifT KeY WaS ALSo a PeT PeEve i WoULD HAve DOnE ThIs A LonG TimE AgO.

Uncle Jimbo said...

P.S. I have no idea what you're talking about regarding "fed" and "feed".

gazaker said...

Quality is a funny thing. I believe that hanging around(or working) with shoddy people deteriorates your QQ (quality quotient). I also believe that spending time in the company of stupid people will drag down your IQ. So turn off the Dukes of Hazzard reruns and find a new roommate. Better yet, quit your lousy job and find a new job with a company that believes in quality.

Desperate Househusband said...

shut off the DUke Boys??? WTF,. Jessica Simpson is the new Daisy Duke. Have you lost your mind?

Colonel Dutch Mustard said...

I think y'all shood jes git o'er yerselvs.

"Is you is or is you aint my constituency?!"