It's Only a Matter of Time
The Katrina disaster is a horrible thing. I hope everyone takes a minute to think about how they can help, give blood, donate time or money, or simply pray for those that have lost loved ones, homes, and in essence their "lives".
There have been stories of people seeing poisonous snakes and alligators in the flood waters but interestingly no sharks. No, not the ones with gills and fins. The ones with designer suits and BMWs (or those Porsche Boxsters....seriously is that the most ball-less sports car ever made? Only complete douche bags drive those things.) Yes, I'm talking about...sigh...lawyers.
It won't be long until we see their kind circling the aftermath looking for their next victim. At some point we'll see someone sue the city/state/federal government, and the local weatherman for not giving adequate warning of the impending disasters. The lawyers will site Liebeck vs. McDonalds for precedent. Someone else will sue FEMA for not "getting to them quickly enough". I actually saw some guy complaining about this on the news last night. He's standing in his completely destroyed neighborhood wondering why help hasn't arrived. Maybe, and think about this, THEY CAN'T GET TO YOU. Or maybe, THEY'VE GOT MORE PRESSING CONCERNS. You want my guess, YOU'RE ON THE A-HOLE LIST SO THEY'RE EXCLUDING YOU INTENTIONALLY. Holy crap I am so sick of people who can't do for themselves. Maybe if you'd gotten out when everyone else did you'd be watching some other a-hole on TV whining, what about me, what about me. I hate people. Let's put just the "What about me" people in the Astrodome and accidently implode it.
Then we're going to see law suits regarding looting and police brutality. Screw that. Put the police on survivor rescue ops and bring in the marines and their M16s to handled the looters. Did you see there were dumbasses stealing electronics like TVs and such. God are you stupid. Do I need to count the ways that these people didn't deserve to live through this? Great idea, how about you go back to your semi-flooded home, fire up the generator and plug in the TV. Oh, no local that's surprising. Maybe you should swim up to the roof and hook up that DirectTV dish you swiped from the house that was floating by last night. What, no signal. Damn you knew at some point a polysyllabic vocabulary would come in handy. Words like longitude, latitude, and azimuth. "Damn...well, I can play this sweet Playstation I stole. Damn I'm good." (Insert electrocution sounds here)
Blame will be leveled. People from the President on down will take heat, and our court rooms will be filled with more frivolous law suits. Did I mention how much I hate people.
You left out my personal favorite. The guy sewing the rescuers for not getting there fast enough. You just KNOW that he was the guy shooting at the helicopter.,2933,168112,00.html
The Lumpy
One of my favorites was the guy who was pissed that no one had come to move a dead body. How about you get off your sorry ass and move it yourself if you think that's more important than saving the living?!?!?!
Jesse Jackson is just wondering what entity he can shake down because of all this. Who can we blame this looting on,.. I wonder? Watching this unfold on TV is why
1. I live on high land
2. the 12 gauge pump is ready for action
3. I too hate people
I guess being in the military and seeing the rest of the world has brought me to the philisophical place I reside in today. This type of human behavior in no way surprises me. It takes very little stress to bring out the neo-human in all of us. Travel to the supermarket when there is just the threat of a bad snow storm reported on the news. There are people fighting over loaves of bread when they have enough food in the pantry at home for a month. Just because we live in the good old US of A doesn't immune us from basic human nature. I am an optimist though. There will be stories of people being at their best when things were at there worst, but we are closer to the caves than the stars my friends.
There is more in us of who we were, than who we may be.
wow...closer to the caves than to the stars..that is profound!...and very true...and a little scary.
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