Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Unnecessary Signs

We've all seen them, the signs that are posted warning stupid people to avoid stupid actions. For example, I'm getting my hair cut yesterday and I see this sign:

"Please, do not use your cell phone while you are getting you haircut. Thank you."

Seriously, do we really need this sign. I don't know about you, but I'm smart enough to know that talking on the phone and having someone runs scissors around my head aren't a good mix. Sort of like having an all-you-can-eat buffet at the Cannes Film Festival. You know Michael Moore is going to be at the festival, and you know he didn't leave his appetite in the states. It just doesn't make sense, and it's definitely not good business.

Is taking that call during your cut really worth the risk of an Edward Scissorhands moment? So I ask again, do we really need this sign? If I were the provider of said hair cut, I wouldn't bother with the sign, I'd just give the dumb ass a hack job that would make Bill Gates' hair stylist proud. One of two things is going to happen, either the bleeding asshat realizes his mistake and doesn't use the phone again, or he goes somewhere else for his next hair cut. Either way you win. No sign necessary.

These signs are preventing stupid people from learning valuable lessons. That is a big problem for me. Pain, suffering, and humiliation are excellent teachers. They should be used all the time, whenever possible.

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