Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Head Scratcher

Giant pythons set to invade San Fransico, local 71 of the Gay Porn Union demands immediate action to avoid the influx of new talent.

This article is full of very odd editorial comments. I still don't quite know what to make of it.

"The snakes also like to eat rodents, deer and other mammals. Small Florida deer have been turning up inside the digestive tracts of Everglades pythons, which has alarmed deer lovers and also the deer."

Was the polling of deer regarding the python threat statistically accurate?

"The natural enemies of the python are lions, tigers and other large cats. There are few free-roaming African lions and tigers between Florida and San Francisco, the geological survey said."

"few" is not none. Hum....

"As for other potential prey, human beings - like rodents, beavers and deer - are mammals, government scientists confirmed."

Ah, government scientists hard at work. Here's to you Dr. Obvious.

The more I read it, the more I think it's a reprinted Onion article.

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