Thursday, January 12, 2006

What are we talking about?


This goes back a ways, but in my mind this still goes down as one of the greatest sports sound bites of all time! What a completely illiterate dumb ass. What are we talking about? We're talking about being overpaid....We're not talking about a real job here...earning a real honest living...we're talking about a primadonna. It's not like he's a doctor or something....we're talking about an NBA player here. An NBA player. I mean I get it, I understand.....I really do....they've got is rough....but we're talking about a whiny little, snot-nosed, bastard baby makin', tattooed freak who gets paid millions. THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!


Colonel Dutch Mustard said...

It's not about "debt"? It is always about debt baby!

Anonymous said...

He shoots....He scores!!!