Thursday, September 14, 2006

The Return of Uncle Jimbo

Alright, so I didn't surrender. I couldn't do it. Free time has been at a premium, hence my recent extended absence. However, the pressures of life have been building somewhat recently and thought it might help to blow off a little steam and remind you all how much I despise stupidity. Human stupidity is a given, but why does it have to slap me in the face on a regular basis. One one hand, Atlantis is in orbit today as we continue to build an orbital space station. Meanwhile somewhere on the planet (probably in the southern United States), someone is watching the first 15 minutes of 2001: A Space Odyssey for the first time and thinking it reminds him of the fight he saw down at the bar last week.

How is it that we have such a variance in intelligence within the species? Do other species have the same issue? We see monkeys flinging crap and think, "Man, it's good to be more evolved." I think there is actually a monkey sitting there yelling at a companion, "What the hell?! Can't we just go out for dinner without you tossing your crap at some stranger? Damn stupid monkey." I think that probably happens a lot.

That same monkey watches as people pass by the zoo cage and thinks to himself, "Sure you can make movies, but have you watched them? I'd like to fling some celluloid at you after sitting through Fahrenheit 9/11."

Here are a couple of things to ponder:

"The depth of collective human ingenuity is surpassed only by the breadth of individual human stupidity." -- Uncle Jimbo

"Monkeys are cool. Smart monkeys are way cooler and they'll make better rulers than apes." -- Uncle Jimbo


Julia Reffner said...

Excellent to have you back sir.

As for poo-slinging monkeys. Despite the obvious stupidity I've often envied them. There has been many a time I have been sitting with a collective group of my fellow human beings listening to some idiot and wanted nothing more than to reach down, take a dump in my hand, and then hurl the revolting contents at the object of my wrath. Oddly enough I first discovered this desire while watching the British Parliment in action.

The Lumpy

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with The Lumpy in that it would definitely be somewhat satisfying to hurl a bunch of crap at all of the Vine Men that work at my company.