Wednesday, November 14, 2007

This Ever Happen To You?

Ever do something and then immediately realize it was a dumb thing to do? I hate that feeling. Like today, I was a courteous driver. I stopped and let someone out of a driveway. As soon as they were in front of me I saw the Dave Mattews Band bumper sticker. I immediately realized I should have just driven by slowly giving them the finger; but it was too late. That will definitely make me think twice next time.

1 comment:

Colonel Dutch Mustard said...

Now, this colonel wonders...was it one of those stupid "DMB" stickers that is made to look like an international visitation sticker? The first time I saw one I flipped off the car as I thought it was short for "Dumb Mick B@stards"...but then I realized it was refering to the band when I saw the twerp driving...I ran him off the road.