Tom Mapother on Tom Mapother: Nut Job
Just when you think it can't get any more strange. This video gets released.
Uncle Jimbo's Random Thoughts on the video:
Tom, you are indeed one of the most mentally unstable people I have ever seen. How do I know? You're laugh. There are three categories of laughs:
- Infectious - You can't help but laugh with them
- Silly - You can't help but laugh at them
- Mapother - You can't help but get creeped out
You, you crazy wanker, have you're own special category. Tell me how much money has it cost you to "earn" the right to call yourself a scientologist? "Create new and better realities" and "effectively change peoples live". Wow, that's inspiring. But I can think of only one way YOU could do that. STOP MAKING MOVIES!!!!
Best line: "I won't hesitate to put ethics in on someone else." [Note: No editorial comment needed]
"You're either on board, or your not on board." Yep, you nailed it, just two types of people. I'm just glad I don't even have a ticket to Kooksville, let along being on the departing train.
You mention a lot of stuff you scientologists can solve. But can you prevent freezer burn? Can you really cure Restless Leg Syndrome without the use of Mirapex? No? I didn't think so.
Watching the toothless gears of your brain turn makes you look like an uneducated dolt from Syracuse, New York.
Here's to hoping you someday meet a real live SP, and he/she does "it" (whatever "it" is) to you, to your face, to your spleen, and to your unborn children.
What the hell is he talking about? This is the definition of incoherent.
Tom Mapother? Good evening. As a duly-designated representative of the City, County and State of New York, I order you to cease any and all supernatural activity and return forthwith to your place of origin or to the next convenient parallel dimension.
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