Monday, July 18, 2005

"We have deserts, but we don't live in them"

That was a funny quote from a great routine by Sam Kinnison.

Living in upstate New York has its advantages. There really aren't any dangerous animals (save the occasional rabid raccoon) and the weather isn't going to crush, knock over, or wash away your house. The same can't be said for many other places in the country.

Take the gulf coast for example. I mean sure you get to live the life of leisure, poling your skiff through the marsh to try to catch the gator that's been eating your chicken, but what about those hurricanes. It's like time-share condos are the southern equivalent to the mid-west trailer park. And some people get hit year after year. I watch some of the interviews of people who've rebuilt their homes several times and all I can say is, "Damn, you're one stupid bastard." I can't even call them unlucky. Getting hit with a tornado is like finding a meaningful scene in Speilbergs' War of the Worlds....highly unlikely. Hurricanes on the other hand are like implausible, unnecessary, over-the-top effects. You know you're going to get it, it's only a matter of when. (Special Note to Steve: If this was a tribute to George with it's flat uninteresting characters, been-there-done-that story, and dialog that would make me want to destroy all humans, then you succeeded. Only thing you missed is that you should have stolen the look of the aliens from Star Wars instead of ID4. A bunch of ass-kicking Jar Jars would have made this movie super sweet.)

So here is my advice to those living in an area that might get hit by the next Cat 5. Move. Oh, you can't afford to move? But you can afford to rebuild your home again? You are retarded. If you can't afford to move try this. Next time a hurricane is on the way, throw all you crap in a boat, strap yourselves in, point it north and get ready for a wild ride. I guarantee you'll end up someplace better than that soggy, craptaularly ill-placed hovel you call home. Trust me.


Julia Reffner said...

I suppose if they don't have a lot of stuff they could rent a hot air balloon. That way they wouldn't get wet. Just trying to help since its obvious these people have trouble thinking for themselves.

Donkey Punch said...

Last time I bought a house there was an engineer's inspection. Part of that inspection included an academic yet important investigative routine called "is this house located in a flood plain?" If the house was located in a flood plain you have one of two choices, go through with the purchase and pay a higher insurance premium, or LOOK FOR ANOTHER HOUSE. If you are looking to live in an area of our great country that has hurricanes, you may want to understand something from the outset-----that area has hurricanes.

Hmmm...did I just repeat myself?

Colonel Dutch Mustard said...

iT Is obViOUs thAt ThIS pOst WAs nOT reViEWeD bY thE MEnaCinG RAiNBow...