Tuesday, November 08, 2005

The Nameless One

I've been thinking about writing for a while regarding a certain NFL player who, on this site, shall forever rename nameless (I'll refer to him as the Clueless One or C.O.) I'm not going to write a single thing about him, I'm simply going to ask the media to stop covering this story like it's important and start covering real football. If I wanted off-field drama I'd watch the DVDs of Playmakers. Stop with human interest pieces and show me some freakin' hits already. And if ESPN doesn't get rid of that talentless ass-kisser Irvin after this year I may have to boycott. Please, please I just want to see Tom Jackson actually tackle him on the set when they run those little primer drills on the fake field.

Hey C.O. good luck landing that long term deal now...Ass.

1 comment:

Donkey Punch said...

So who is this guy?