Thursday, October 26, 2006

My New Hero is...

...Tiki Barber. The guy knows what he wants. He's got the money, the recognition, and most of all he still has his health. Like Barry Sanders did seven years ago, Barber leaves in his prime. Not retiring, he's making a life change to pursue other interested. Way to go Tiki. Then the over-paid wind bags of the sports media, many ex-athletes who have either lost perspective or tow the company line in regards to generating news instead of reporting it, decide to voice their opinions on the subject. As if they matter. But the beauty is, Mr. Barber fires back. Michael Irvin, you are his BITCH! But I'm not going to make this about him. this post is about Tiki.

Tiki, congrats for a great career, and good luck with your future endeavours. We will miss you on Sunday afternoon.

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