Wednesday, June 29, 2005

I know you're out there!

Okay, I've made my fair share of posts but it's time this blog got a little more interactive. There are some topics covered that should really be generating more conversation than I'm seeing. All I'm get is the semi-intelligable ramblings of some ex-army guy who knows how to kill people 6 ways to Sunday but is afraid of the water.

Come on people. Drop me a comment, let me know what you think. I want to know you opinion. Unless your opinion is wrong in which case just post someoneelses opinion that doesn't suck so much. Wait, on second thought, post your opinion so I can, in the immortal words of Triumph, "poop on it!"


Colonel Dutch Mustard said...

Not all of us can wittle the day away by posting our irreverent and irrelevant opinions...and I am not "afraid" of water per presence in large murky quantites merely concerns me...

Donkey Punch said...

Better not let the Spelling and Grammar cop see that post...

Donkey Punch said...

It's nice to know there are constants in the world.