Monday, June 06, 2005

Meteorology, the Devil Science

Why do we expect so little of our meteorologists? I know we all laugh about it, but why is it acceptable for them to be so wrong so often, and we all just laugh it off. Hell, I get more upset about mistakes at a McDonald's drive-thru and it's just freakin' fast food. We're talking about a profession that gets excited when they're right 50% of the time.

Yesterday was forecasted to be warm (low to mid-80s) with scattered thunderstorms. It was 93 degrees and not a cloud in the sky. How can you be off by 10+ degrees? In upstate New York with the temperature this time of year is between 35-95 that's a 16% margin for error. And don't even get me started on precipitation. I mean, they went to school for this right? What was the Freshman Orientation class like?

"Look around you, not only is there a 100% chance of you all being here in four years, but there will also be scattered additions from other degree programs. We've got it cushy and everyone knows it. Okay, so let's learn the secret handshake...."

Before I go on, let's get this out of the way. Repeat after me, "The third rule of Project Mayhem is never call weathermen meteorologists." The term meteorologist adds far too much credibility to the profession. It's very scientific sounding. There's more science involved in working a deep fryer at Wendy's. And ladies, don't be offended that I didn't use the term weatherperson, I didn't want to inappropriately categorize you (wow, it this going to generate flame mail).

As I sat in the backyard yesterday and had heat-induced hallucinations I envisioned the day my son comes home from school and I ask him what he did. "I decided, when I grow up, I want to be a meteorologist!" Why not go ahead and just tell me you want to play soccer and you'd prefer to go to the all-boys school. Make it the trifecta for your old man. It seems to be there are a number of professionals that get a bum rap compared to the devil science. So here is my first Top Five List of the blog, dedicated to our weathermen.

Top Five Professions That Don't Seem To Get More Respect Than Weathermen But Should

5. Advertising Executive (sure, they can suck a lot, but when they don't I usually get a laugh. I never get a laugh from the weatherman).

4. Teacher/Professor (Respect the good ones and teach your children to do the same. Treat the bad ones like weathermen.)

3. Project Manager (Oh, sorry. I thought this was the list of professions that should get less respect than weathermen.)

2. Actor/Actress (Oops, ditto)

1. Prostitute (Assuming you pay them enough they're "right" 99.9% of the time)

There's a 50% chance I'll blog again tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

If I were wrong this often, I'd be out of a job.

Anonymous said...

Um... yeah, that was me Jimbo, Dr. Hannah.